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The release date for the upcoming Blu-ray/DVD collection, Masterworks of American Avant-garde Experimental Film 1920-1970 has been pushed back to September 29. We apologize for the delay. Please see the note below from producer David Shepard for more information. This promises to be an extraordinary collection. Additional updates regarding the release will be announced over coming months via the Flicker Alley newsletter.

A note from David Shepard:

Curator Bruce Posner and I are proud of this release with films we greatly admire, premiering in beautiful HD transfers with outstanding music scores. That said, we’ve encountered a couple of last-minute wrinkles which may result in a couple of alterations to the set’s contents. To accommodate the artists involved and to give us enough time to make sure everything is in order, we’ve delayed the publication for six weeks until September 29th. We regret the delay; this project has been in the works for a very long time, but we feel it will be even better when released on its new publication date.

New Release Date: 9/29/2015

Flicker Alley