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By 1924, Russian-born Ivan Mosjoukine had already established himself as one of French cinema’s top leading men, with roles in Le Brasier ardent and The House of Mystery, a 10-episode serial by Films Albatros. In its July 8, 1924 issue, French film fan magazine Mon Ciné ran a two-page story on the actor. The full text is available for Francophones, and below we’ve translated a brief excerpt where the journalist marvels at 34-year-old Mosjoukine’s ability to embody the qualities of a teenager in love. Perhaps this tender portrayal is why he was often referred to as the “Russian Valentino” in the press.

Ivan - French Magazine 1  Ivan - French Magazine 2

“Although born in 1889, Ivan Mosjoukine is eighteen, of character and temperament; and those who saw him, in The House of Mystery and Le Brasier Ardent, play love scenes will not contradict me: he loves with a respectful and shy ardor that is not found in any other leading man and that one hardly feels but around this age; Mr. Mosjoukine remains there. . . at least on screen.”

SourceMon Ciné, Nr. 129, 07-08-1924

You can see Ivan Mosjoukine’s “shy ardor” in The House of Mystery, on home video for the first time in a 3-disc DVD collection and available for pre-order today.


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